Do you remember the pink stocking gift tags I made?
Well I wanted to share with you what I did with them, or one of them at least.
I added it to a gift bag that I dressed up.
I made this bag for a gift exchange. My friend Becky Roberts includes me in her group meetings and get togethers as I do not have an active upline. This month was her Christmas party for her group. We were to bring a $5 gift and wrap it up CUTE! The idea is that it's really all about the packaging.
Here is what I put in my bag. Cute things. Several Stampin' Up! things that a demonstrator would love.
We all voted on our favorite packaging and then played a game to swap gifts. Here is the gift I got to take home, created by my friend Janey Backer.
My favorite thing about this event was the guest speaker,
Sarah Pearl. She teaches the art of hand lettering!
Not only did she speak and show us her work, but she taught us the basics. And to do so we got some tools.
These are the pens and envelopes we used. We also got a big envelope with our name beautifully written on it.
Inside the envelope, a beautiful workbook and vintage stamps (postage stamps that is).
I was so excited to try my hand at artistic lettering. Turns out I need a lot of practice. Here is some of my work.
Here I have only worked on the letter "o" in a Stampin' Write Real Red Marker and in black using a Tombow Calligraphy pen.
Here I tried to copy one of Sarah's envelopes, her envelope is on the left and mine is on the right.
You can see I have a ways to go. BUT, what I did learn is that I have to make it my own. I learned the basics of the strokes and now I have to translate that to my own hand writing.
I had a great time and hanging out with friends and making new friends is really what Iove the most about being a demonstrator. Speaking of friends, let me share one more cute thing from the party. This cute box was one of my favorites from the gift packaging and was created by my friend Cathy Stephenson. She won 3rd place for this adorable snowman box. She is the queen of punch art!