Feels like Valentines Day has already passed around here. We have been busy crafting and baking. I thought I share some of our fun with you.
The fun began with a Valentine making party for kids.
We used the January Paper Pumpkin kit. If you are not a Paper Pumpkin subscriber, Paper Pumpkin is a subscription service. You subscribe and get a stamping kit delivered to your door every month. It is so much fun! I love rushing to the mail box and pulling out our red boxes (my girls get their own PP box too) and anticipation as we open it to see what the new kit is! Here's a video to show you the January Paper Pumpkin kit in action.
I added some extra hearts to this kit so that each kid could make 30 Valentine pouches, as the kit alone makes 15 pouches. Here's how I did it. First I scanned one of the hearts and then saved it to my Silhouette Design Studio. From there I was able to trace and cut out as many hearts as I like using my Silhouette electronic cutter. I cut them from card stock, and used them as the backs for the cute stripped hearts from the kit. So, using the 30 stripped hearts from the kit and 30 card stock hearts that I electronically cut, each kiddo was able to make 30 valentine pouches.
We made cookies to put in ours. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies (flourless) to be exact.
We had to cut a few of our chocolate chunks as they were a little big.
Here are our Valentines all ready to go. I did put the cookies in a little plastic bag before putting them in the heart pouches.
We also made our Valentine Boxes. Samantha wanted a puppy dog theme to her box. So we used some image from the Silhouette design studio and cut them with the Silhouette and adhered them to our wrapping paper covered card board box .
Hannah wanted her box to be a Shopkin. So, we designed her box after her stuffed chocolate Shopkin toy.
All done with card stock and punches.
I used a gray marker to out line the edges of the white wrapper.
As for the Valentines Party, it is pretty low key at our school. We belong to a homeschool Co-op. We go to school at home 4 days a week and on Thursdays we go to Co-op with other homeschooling families. At co-op we do Science, Art and Literature. And fun things that a lot of homeschool families might miss out on, like class parties. But we do them school wide. Here's how we do Valentines, each family makes a Valentine for each kid. Each kid has a box and gets a Valentine from each family.
It was a fun day, as is every Thursday with our amazing school!
Hope your Valentines Day is special, show yourself some love this Valentines Day!