I couldn't just make cards with the Donut Worry stamp set. It's such a fun set I wanted to take it with me. So for this week's Stamp Set of the Month project, I made a Donut Worry Keychain.
To make sure that my donut layers were sturdy, I used a piece of very light weight chipboard under the donut, frosting and cup.
I also added a charm to the keychain, using Shrinky Dinks! They are just as fun as I remember as a kid. But my heat tool makes fast work of shrinking them, no more worrying about them in the oven.
To dress my donut and chocolate milk up, I covered the frosting and the milk with Journey glaze for a thick shine.
Here you can watch the video of my making them on my Stamp Set of the Month Facebook Live video.
You can find all the fun things I used to make this Donut Worry Keychain at my online store:
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