So my youngest daughter, Hannah, just turned 11. If you look back at my blog you will see all the fun birthday parties we have had over the years. Some years I am able to go all out, making all the things. And other years life is busy and that just does not happen. But there I always try to do 2-3 things that are hand made to make the party really special. This year, for the camping themed party, I was able to make 3 things. One is a banner, which I make every year, except the year be moved into our house on my daughters bday. I bought a banner that year, but I am choosing not to have mom guilt over that. The other thing I made were tags for the party favors. Last is water bottle wraps, I wanted them to be canteen themed. Over all these three things were the special touches that the party needed. The things that make a party at home a special event.
If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my short videos, the making of these projects. If not, no worries, I have compiled them into one video so you can watch in one place. This video is different than the ones I usually make in that it is a sped up step by step video and not a demonstration. It is set to music. I'd love to know if you like this style of video. Not to replace my usual videos but something fun to watch on occasion. If you like it give the video a thumbs up so I know. I also have all the pictures of the projects on this post as well as the birthday card I made for my daughter and a few other cool things from the party. So, scroll down and check that out as well.
Now let's take a closer look at each of these projects.
First up is the water bottle wraps. And easy project to make for any birthday party. I also like it because I like the kids to have a drink but not add to the sugar overload of cake and icecream. Keep reading to see the cake I made, it's not quite a pinterest fail, let's just say my creative talents do not translate into frosting.
I always get the shorty water bottles because they actually drink them and I don't end up having to water the plants and lawn with them. Making wraps for water bottles is a cinch. Remove the label on the bottle, measure it and cut your own decorative paper that matches your theme. I use double stick tape to secure it to the bottle. Then add a cute element. For mine I used the bear from the Lawn Fawn stamp set Love You S'more. I colored it in using 3 copic markers. Then die cut it. I made 12 waterbottle wraps in all so coloring 12 bears went pretty fast. The splash of water is also from a Lawn Fawn set, RAWR. It is meant to be a splash of lava for the coordinating volcano stamp, but it works great as water too. Now about the canteen. I created this image in my Silhouette design studio myself and then cut it electronically. This was the element that took me to longest. But now I have this shape I can use again in the future. And I was able to cut all 12 at once. I used a black gel pen to add the details to the lid. The kids LOVED these and most of them saved them and took them home. That made my day!
Next up we have the party favor tags. NOW, I knew these would be ripped off and discarded. So, I made them fairly simple so I would not be too heartbroken over it.
All the pattern paper I used is from Echo Park, this campfire and s'mores print was perfect for this party. I die cut a Bread Tag die and dressed it up with images from the Love You S'more stamp set, easy as that.
In the party favor bag are Golden Grahams S'mores Bars! You can make them too with this recipe, so easy to make!
We also tied a small flashlight to the party favor bag. And they were a hit! But make extra, because the parents picking up wanted one too!
Last but not least..... The banner!
Before you ask, my daughter wanted the banner to say Happy Bday. So, that's what she got. You have to check out the video to see close ups of each pennant, it is so adorable! Banners are a must in my house for birthday parties. My plan is to hang up every banner I have made over the years when each of my girls turns 18, which is sneaking up on me. I still remember the Sesame Street banner I made when Hannah turned 2! Or was it three, either way, I am old!
No for the bonus!!! Here's the birthday card I made my sweet girl.
I am IN LOVE with this card! The coloring was so much fun and I am delighted with how it turned out. I am getting the hang of this Copic Marker thang! I mean check out that toasty marshmallow! And how the light of the fire shines on the critters!
The background of this card was a left over background I had from a watercolor class I taught. It was perfect for this night time scene. Take note of the s'more here. I has chocolate dripping down, I hand drew that in, it is not part of the stamped image. Just a wavy line with a black liner pen.
I did not forget about the inside of the card.
The adorable party hat the bear is wearing is from the RAWR stamp set, I can not stand how cute he is! And that candle on the smore. I drew it! And I have to say I am slightly impressed with myself! I did not have a stamp the right size so after 6 attempts I had a candle I could live with!
Now, do you want to see the camping themed cake that my daughter and I made?
SO MUCH FUN! We made that hard candy on top and broke it into pieces to make the flames. It was fun party with Dream Catcher making, a scavenger hunt, presents and a sleepover (I mean camp out) too. I hope you have enjoyed this post they are always my favorites to share with you. If you'd like to see more of our birthday parties you can check out these posts:
All the supplies I used to make these projects are listed and linked for you below. When you click on these links and shop you are helping to support this blog and YouTube channel at no cost to you, THANK YOU!