Hey there stamping friends. Today I have some great ideas for you! If you have ever tried to hot foil on colored card stock you may have run into some issues. Today's video is going to give you several things to try to get good results with colored card stock. And I am showcasing the Glimmer Kit of the Month from Spellbinders! It's a perfect set to use with colored card stock.
In this video not only can you see the making of this card, but you are going to get so many helpful things to try when hot foiling, so that you can have gorgeous results. I love hot foiling on colored card stock because it gives me so many different looks with just one roll of foil. What's my favorite foil color you ask??? I love the Aura foil because it has an iridescent finish to it. And it looks great on all colors of card stock as you will see in my video today.
If you can not see the video on this screen, you can click over to watch it on my YouTube channel, right here.
Here is my list of things to try when coloring on colored card stock. Take these ideas and give them a try with the colored card stock you have on hand. You may not need to do all of these. The key is to practice, find what works for you. Don't give up on colored card stock. These tips are further explained and shown in action in the video above.
The reason why I love this months kit for foiling on colored card stock is because the die set cuts the images out right on the line. So, there is no border left behind. It's perfect for this rainbow of flowers, and there's no colored edge showing, just the Aura foil!
To fit all my flowers on this card I made an A7 sized card, 5" x 7". I love this size card, it is so much fun to give a bigger sized card. I remember my sister asking me a while back why I only made small cards (A2 sized). Since then I haven tried to make different sized cards, maybe that is part of the reason I love A7's and Slimlines.
If you have any questions about hot foiling on colored card stock please don't hesitate to ask by leaving it in the comment box below. I love hearing from you.
Below I have listed and linked all the things I used to make this card, as well as all the club kit offerings that Spellbinders has.

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