I have a BIG GIVE AWAY!!! The first two people to subscribe to My Paper Pumpkin between now and tomorrow (9/10/14) at 11:50pm get a free Paper Pumpkin Kit from me!
Not only that but if you use the code HALFOFF2 at check out you will get your first two months at 50% off!!!
Leave me a comment when you subscribe to get your free gift from me!
Click here to subscribe now:
And here is a little peak at the first kit you will get when you subscribe by 9/10.
You will get everything you need to make several of these cute halloween treat bag in your September Paper Pumpkin Kit!
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE (always wanted to say that!)
Everyone who subscribes to My Paper Pumpkin with me gets a FREE BOTTLE OF GREEN GLUE! Then you don't even need to buy adhesive!
*get a cool stampin' kit sent right to your door each month
*get half off your first two months if you subscribe by 9/10
*get a free framed art kit from me if you are one of the first two to subscribe (leave me a comment here when you subscribe)
*get a free green glue from me for being one of my subscribers
Click HERE: https://mypaperpumpkin.com/en/?demoid=21591
Remember to enter this code at check out: HALFOFF2
Come back and leave me a comment when you subscribe so I can send you your free gift(s).